Child Care
Check-in & Check-out Kiosk
Manage check-ins and check-outs by site for authorized contacts of children, as well as staff members, by using unique PIN codes with Jackrabbit Care’s integrated Kiosk.

Accurately Track Children and Staff for Optimal Safety and Convenience for Historical Recordkeeping

Stay Compliant with Easy Reporting
Reducing your stress every chance we can.
Jackrabbit Care’s Kiosk easily captures and stores staff hours for quick payroll reporting. Plus, no more paper sign-in sheets. Parents are in charge of children check-in and check-out to create less stress at the beginning and end of your day.
Secure Student Check-in and Check-out Process
Maintain student safety with Jackrabbit Care’s individually issued PIN codes that authorized contacts must use when dropping off and picking up children.

Accurate Staff Clock-in and Clock-out
Jackrabbit Care’s integrated Kiosk makes an easy-to-use time clock for staff and helps provide a snapshot of who is in the site at any time.

Partner With a Team Who Cares
Grow your child care business with a team of experts who are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your software. With our team of support specialists, you’ll find a management system that works for your center, not against it. Jackrabbit Care’s mission is to help teams do what they love by providing easy-to-use, fully-featured and innovative cloud-based child care software solutions for managing business operations.