Accurately Track
Student Allergies & Immunizations

View all of the information you need for student safety and compliance at your fingertips. With Jackrabbit Care, maintain allergy details and action plans for each child. Also manage immunization status and documents together for easy reporting.
Jackrabbit Care allergies screenshots

Easily Track Allergies and Child Immunizations
for Safety and Compliance

Jackrabbit Care medical safety screenshots

Manage Medical Details with Confidence

It’s about time for a better way to track child allergies & health information.

Stop flipping through each file or setting calendar reminders for your team and parents to update allergies, immunizations and medical requirements. Introducing Jackrabbit Care’s comprehensive suite of enrollments, allergens, immunizations, and action plans.

Allergy Details When You Need Them, Fast

Quickly view allergies per child, per class and by allergy type all on one screen. Store medical action plans on the child record to reduce paper copies and increase confidence in having the right information at your
finger tips.
Jackrabbit Care immunizations allergy tracking screenshots

Manage Immunization Status

Maintain student health records in a single location
for reporting, monthly child record reviews and
licensee compliance. Upload immunization documents to track overdue, up-to-date or not-on-file statuses.

Jackrabbit Care allergies tracking screenshot

Make Jackrabbit Care a Part of Your Team

Grow your child care business with a team of implementation and support professionals who are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your software. Experience Jackrabbit Care’s features that will help grow your business. Whether you need to manage your center’s day-to-day operations, focus on customer acquisition or modernize parent and staff communication, Jackrabbit Care is customizable so you and your team can get started right away, your way.

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